Who am I?

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My name is Merelyn..I'm EXTRA small for my age but have SUPER BIG dream to achieve in lyfe..I don't talk much but i do SMILE a lot..NOTHING MUCH!

Monday, January 12, 2009


huhuhu.....havin such a hard time during this exam weeks...it's not that i don't do my revision and ol..i did what i'm supposed to do but it's just that...mmm..i dunno...exams makes me feel nervous..i just can feel those little butterflies in my stomach...though it's just a mid term test and gives just a lil bit of effect to my coming final exams (but of course it's still very important too right??)... i dunno what makes me feel like this...maybe i just want to get the very-best result of me kan until all of a sudden i get too nervous..of course i believe that each and every one of us wants to get the best out of their best result in everything that they do right...hee...well enuf for now...got to get back to my revision..owh and by the way...
for those who lurve to dressed up but on a shoe-string budget u can visit to my friends blog at www.houseofvenus.blogspot.com
i believe that you will find something that u like there...even me, myself can 't resist from not getting any of those beautiful-up-to-date clothes..from shorts to dresses to shoes..ol in 1 place..easy rite??..wait! there's more..i heard she's having a BIG SALE right now...so you FASHIONISTA...why wait...keep your fingers working on that keyboard and start clicking....

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